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Statement on Coronavirus

AFI KLM E&M statement on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Under the current circumstances, we are being confronted on a daily basis with the consequences of the coronavirus (Covid-19) on society at large and our business in particular.

AFI KLM E&M has taken appropriate steps to safeguard the health and safety of its employees, customers and suppliers. Since the beginning, we have taken this virus very seriously and all our staff members have been provided with clear instructions based on World Health Organization guidance.

More info on World Health Organization website

For us, loyalty and commitment are extremely important business values. Nonetheless, the current circumstances are exceptional and have resulted in greater levels of unpredictability. AFI KLM E&M conducts thorough daily reviews of its operations and those of customers and suppliers in affected areas. As of today, our facilities continue to operate normally with no significant disruptions.

Transportation restrictions have affected several countries. In addition, adjustments could be made to the cargo capacities. We will do our best to limit the impact of these measures on your operations and, thanks to our strong global network, we are evolving logistic continuity plans with our partners and suppliers. However, any difficulty will be communicated and, find an adapted solution will be a priority for us.

“Be reassured that all the AFI KLM E&M team stands behind you throughout this demanding time.”


Due to the constant evolution of the situation, we are prepared to take all the additional actions needed to assure our customers operations, including enacting robust business continuity plans for our facilities and suppliers.

In case of major changes or if something could impact our customers and suppliers, we will communicate it as soon as possible.

Communication department

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