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Convert your passenger plane into a full-fledged cargo

Medical supply transportation, trust AFI KLM E&M by asking cabin adaptations

Due to the unprecedented covid-19 situation, all the impacted states need a prompt supply of protection equipment as masks, gloves or clothing.

Based on AFI KLM E&M experience and the solutions already in place for its own fleets, we can provide you adapted solutions to convert your passenger plane into a full-fledged cargo.

Two options are possible, use your current cabin and only apply minor changes or remove the seats for a cargo configuration.


Both solutions can be provided by AFI KLM E&M.

The cabin reconfigurations with a SB minor change approved under our EASA DOA privileges allowing for the use of seats when related to the transportation of medical supplies (e.g. masks, gloves, clothing, etc.) provided they are not classified as dangerous goods.

The transformation of your cabin into cargo configuration with a STC (EASA & FAA) major change for the transportation of medical supplies or others. In this case the removal of seats is necessary to allow fixation of cargo into the aircraft structure for cargo operation.

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Cabin Modification Department

Feel free to contact your dedicated sales manager or directly our cabin modification department.