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Innovation in the spotlight at AFI KLM E&M

The MRO Lab: Adaptive Innovations

Innovation in the spotlight at AFI KLM E&M

From Paris to Amsterdam, innovation forms a solid and enduring link between the AFI KLM E&M teams, whose creativity and ingenuity took center stage at two recent events in the respective capitals. Whether it stems from staff insight, collaboration with partners, research activity at the MRO Lab or elsewhere, for AFI KLM E&M innovation remains a key vector in the improvement of its operations and services.

Innovation on all fronts

Customers, competitiveness, sustainable development, transformation, risk management, continuous improvement, etc.: these gatherings address a wide variety of topics in which innovation makes a crucial difference. Its contributions and benefits were illustrated via demonstrations of several products and added-value processes, such as additive manufacturing (3D printing), an automated borescope (designed by AIIR), the use of cobots, robotics, the recycling of composite materials and new achievements on Predictive maintenance (PROGNOS®).


It was a great challenge to Cyril Brand and Wanda Manoth-Niemoller, our MRO LAB managers in France and in the Netherlands, to organize these events in the AFI KLM E&M facilities. Being under wings was a good opportunity to showcase different innovations with a focus on AI technology and robotics like the drone inspection developed by Donecle or Mainblades or the Borescope Inspection by AiiR innovations as well as other projects.

Catalyzing innovation

Ahmoss Messayeh, AFI KLM E&M’s Director of Innovation, spends time meeting with customers and industrial partners at MRO events and Air Shows. The return of the Paris Air Show, the biggest international Air Show is also an opportunity for The MRO LAB of AFI KLM E&M to promote its innovation potential via demonstrations. Over the years we’ve developed a robust culture and dedicated network in this field, and we continue to encourage our teams to express and share their ideas across all our facilities and subsidiaries.

“Innovation is everyone’s business, every day: in order to stimulate innovation, we strive to create synergies between our internal assets, as well as those of our partners.”

AFI KLM E&M pursues this commitment with the desire to confirm its position of MRO leader in this field, seeking to deploy innovation and new technology to boost operational efficiency and excellence in the support services it provides its customers.
