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A350 - 100% AIRLINE-MRO

The Air France A350 went operational on October 7th

It's the first in a fleet of 28 aircraft being brought into service by 2025 - and the perfect opportunity for AFI KLM E&M to highlighting its vast expertise!


Aircraft maintained


Customers all around the world

For AFI KLM E&M, this new arrival to our parent company's fleet is something of a special case, as the Group already provides support services for 10 operators around the world. With Air Caraïbes, for example, these services are even part of a broad-spectrum contract covering the majority of the airline's maintenance and engineering operations.

“We've been building up experience for two and a half years for the engineering, logistics and maintenance schedules.”

Raphaël Rouah

Air France A350 Entry Into Service Lead at AFI KLM E&M

Final stops before the runway

AFI KLM E&M Part21 engineering teams have successfully developed a post-delivery modification Service Bulletin in an incredible short lead-time, despite inherent difficulties related to new line fit delivery aircrafts (late delivery of aircraft documentation, discrepancies found during delivery etc.) Delivered by the manufacturer on 18 September, the airliner passed through the "Croix du Sud"facilities in Toulouse for a final facelift before take-off.

All set for component and aircraft maintenance

Our stocks, industrial resources and teams have been adapted to meet the task at hand. Air France can count on the global logistics network and the component pools AFI KLM E&M has already set up for the A350 operators worldwide.


E-operations at home base

Based on its experience on the last-gen aircraft and in compliance with the Airbus rules, AFI KLM E&M has set up its own e-operations hosting solution, which is now fully operational. It touches upon the entire ground-based infrastructure necessary for the management of A350 data flows, which are used from the curative to the predictive maintenance (PROGNOS), among other functions. The digital architecture of this solution was designed in such a way as to ensure that AFI KLM E&M's customers would also be able to benefit from the technology.

More informations about PROGNOS ®

Optimisation of engine operations

The Group has received approval to install engines using Quick Engine Change (QEC), a procedure which optimises TATs for engine changes. Splitting/mating involves removing the fan case module to facilitate transport of the hefty Trent XWB engine: by industrialising this operation, AFI KLM E&M can make use of Air France's freight 777s, in order to provide the fleet with greater autonomy, for both its parent company and its own customers.

“With the A350 now a part of the Air France fleet, we'll be able to continue developing our in-depth knowledge of the aircraft, in order to provide both our parent company and our customers with more efficient support services throughout the life cycles of their fleets.”